How to correct someone in public

How to correct someone in public

Picture this: You’re in a meeting with a pretty big group. Your boss’s boss is at the front of the room speaking about something related to your job. You’re listening, taking notes, trying to catch the little pieces of information you need that...
How to correct someone in public

What to do when you don’t know what to do

You’ve had this feeling right? Your to-do list feels like a million miles long, tasks keep piling up, you can’t quite wrap your head around your life, and every time you get a spare moment, instead of being able to cross something off your list,...
How to actually achieve your goals

How to actually achieve your goals

I used to be a person who set goals in January and then a few weeks later when I fell off my plan for whatever reason, I would absolutely tear myself to shreds over my failing. There were several things happening here that I want you to think about as...
When your best is truly not good enough

When your best is truly not good enough

Most of my work in organizational development has been with nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit organizations are all overseen by boards, which are full of volunteers. Sometimes board members are paid, but by and large it’s an unpaid job that’s seen as a...