Just so you know…
1. To reinvent is human.
We have this illusion that we should “arrive.” We should “be” a particular way. We think that because we have to keep working on it, working it out, working harder that there is something wrong with us.
I am here to tell you that is not true. You are a living, breathing organism that dies unless it is growing and evolving.
2. Organizations are living organisms.
They are ecosystems unto themselves that require weeding, tending, harvesting, and fertilizing.
Your organization is never “set.”
3. And that’s ok.
So tell me what new creature, virus, or invasive species has shown up in your ecosystem and I’ll help you break through the stagnant muck so you can breathe and move again.
Organizational Packages
See what you need, or something close? All packages are fully customizable.
Taking time away from the office is the best way to reset, regroup, and move forward.
A package that promises deep intrapersonal change and immediate effects in the workplace
Change Management
Accomplish big or small changes with a mix of planning and “surfing the wave”
We can create the package that suits your unique blend of organizational characteristics
Organizational Services
Strategic Planning
How to get you from Point A to Point B with everyone on the team buying in
Individual attention for significant inner change that moves you forward to reach your goals
From retreats to meetings, make your group interactions hum
Engagement for deep and lasting change, addressing the real needs of your team
Cross-Functional Team Building
Hands-on, process-based facilitation of real work tasks — Doing your job, only better
Leadership Development
Bring the best work from your team and improve overall communication
Conflict Resolution
Effective, practical solutions for resolving interpersonal strife
Project Management
Get it done, on time, under budget, every time