All information collected will be kept confidential and anonymous. zCD-Epi Data Collection What is your name? This is for tracking purposes only. What is your role at CDHD? What responsibilities and tasks do you do for your job? Think back over the last year at CDHD, when did you have a hard time completing your work to your standard? What got in the way of your ability to complete your work? What tasks are most important and urgent to you right now? When you think about the future of CDHD, what do you hope the agency will achieve? What future accomplishments do you want to be a part of? Why do you work for CDHD? This can include anything from your vision for robust public health, but also because your cats need food and catnip. Is there anything else you'd like me to know? If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ Workplaces for Health and HealingSet up your free consultation callĀ Contact Us