Sliding Scale Application Sliding Scale Application What is the name of your organization? What is the mission or purpose of the organization? What does the organization produce? For example, does the organization make a service or product? Why are you seeking a lower rate for consulting or coaching work? Is your organization a 501(c)(3) non-profit? Yes No If you receive a lower rate for consulting work, would you be willing to list Willhelm Consulting as a sponsor of your organization for the duration of our project? Yes No What is the annual operating budget of the organization? This can be averaged over 3 years to account for atypical years. How many people would be part of the project you would like to do with Willhelm Consulting? Are you currently in a contracting process or doing some preliminary pricing research? Currently in contracting process Doing preliminary pricing research Submit Δ Break Through StagnationEmail me to set up your complimentary consultation and get started making change real. Contact Us