Tools and Theories
In the midst of the current social and political climate, I hear a lot about a need for “diversity.” Job postings are full of good intentions that go something like “X company is committed to hiring and supporting a diverse workplace.” Which is...
Bad Bosses
A few weeks back a manager posted in a Facebook group about how her staff had an attitude of entitlement that she wanted to address. She cited a lack of appreciation around COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) increases in compensation, an increase in staff benefits, and...
During the holidays we hear a lot about “self-care.” It’s a very stressful time of year not only because we have a lot of external pressure for THE PERFECT HOLIDAYS. But also because we’re are constantly dealing with family, lots of events,...
Bad Bosses
So the whole world is ablaze right now with conversations around culture. When we use this word, we are usually referring to ethnic culture meaning people who are Black, Latinx, Native American, etc. But this word also refers to cultures that can exist in an...
Tools and Theories
So you’ve just sat down from your most recent meeting, only to have a notification pop up on your computer telling you you have another in 20 minutes. You don’t even bother to put down your notebook and water bottle because then you’ll have to spend...