Verhanika IRL
As I write this, I’m having one of those days. Despite having Ronan being watched by a caregiver and needing to do some stuff I just…don’t wanna. My focus is all over the place and while I’m trying to write a serious article about serious...
Bad Bosses
This boss archetype is so common, I bet you’ve already thought of a few people who fit this. This is not a boss who has resigned, but a boss who is resigned. Aka, their declare their powerlessness way more often than is appropriate for someone who theoretically...
Bad Bosses
A few weeks back a manager posted in a Facebook group about how her staff had an attitude of entitlement that she wanted to address. She cited a lack of appreciation around COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) increases in compensation, an increase in staff benefits, and...
Tools and Theories
I can’t tell you how many mission and vision statements I’ve helped craft in my time as a consultant. The first part of building the foundation of good structure is to know what you’re doing with your time. So, when I do structure checks with the...
During the holidays we hear a lot about “self-care.” It’s a very stressful time of year not only because we have a lot of external pressure for THE PERFECT HOLIDAYS. But also because we’re are constantly dealing with family, lots of events,...