When your best is truly not good enough

When your best is truly not good enough

Most of my work in organizational development has been with nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit organizations are all overseen by boards, which are full of volunteers. Sometimes board members are paid, but by and large it’s an unpaid job that’s seen as a...
What to do when you don’t wanna

What to do when you don’t wanna

As I write this, I’m having one of those days. Despite having Ronan being watched by a caregiver and needing to do some stuff I just…don’t wanna. My focus is all over the place and while I’m trying to write a serious article about serious...
The importance of documentation

The importance of documentation

I was reminded recently why documentation is a crucial part of staying safe and sane in any workplace. When I think of a worker documenting things, I think of instances of discrimination based on age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, or religious...
When your best is truly not good enough

Why aren’t my direct reports more grateful?

A few weeks back a manager posted in a Facebook group about how her staff had an attitude of entitlement that she wanted to address. She cited a lack of appreciation around COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) increases in compensation, an increase in staff benefits, and...